Views on Ireland and Other Links

Views on Ireland The Irish Economy » A Bailout Worth Considering FT Alphaville » The distorted European bailout FT Alphaville » Bailing out Ireland, bailing out banks Ireland debt crisis: European banks' exposure – Telegraph…

Links: 2010-11-14

Ireland: The importance of the right question | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion Marginal Revolution: Profile of Morgan Kelly Bronte Capital: China Media Express: A Wall Street drama Janet Tavakoli on the Foreclosure Crisis…

Video: Quantitative Easing Explained

This is a hilarious cartoon video about the Fed and its program of quantitative easing, explaining it in terms everyone can understand. Watch for humourous references to "The Quantitative Easing," "The Inflation," "The Deflation," and…

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