On Yahoo’s Fall From Grace And Other Links

I am always interested in stories about Yahoo! since I worked there during its Internet hey day. Unfortunately, the place is falling apart. The latest I have heard is of a 5% staff cut, combined with employee buyouts and the sunsetting of some pretty major brands like Alta Vista, the first major Internet search engine and Delicious, a bookmark tool I love and use religiously. I also know that Mark Thoma and Brad DeLong use it as well. I am moving to a new service called Diigo. Hopefully, that will go well because I used delicious to bookmark all of my links including the ones in this post over the past 2 years. The whole thing is very sad because Yahoo was a great brand but they went on a media-centric focus that allowed Google to supersede them and then it was all down hill. It was criminal that the board didn’t take the Microsoft offer a few years ago.


Sad for my former employer,


P.S. Here are the links


Credit Writedowns

The Usual Fare


Tech Stuff

  1. thekingofcheap says

    It’s obvious to me that Yahoo! management have no idea as to the value of some of their assets. For example, in a leaked presentation slide, they list all their brands and failed to mention flickr, one of the most important sites on the web. They have so many users and so many photos that they could become the Facebook of photography with a slight re-design.

    Also, Yahoo! News and Sports have been pretty high quality. The sports reporting is strong and it seemed like four or five years ago that Yahoo! was going to put more money in original reporting. If you’ve read the work of Kevin Sites you have to wonder why Yahoo! didn’t continue in that direction. A successful example would be AOL, whose news and commentary were a pleasant surprise.

    More about Yahoo! Sports: Overall, they have one of the better fantasy sports products on the Internet. As with flickr, they fail to realize the actual value of their user base here. They could innovate fantasy sports with some modest re-designs and perhaps improve the social networking component of the site. Instead, they’ve basically let it languish for a decade with almost no improvements.

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