News Links 10/11/2011
What Do Steve Jobs’ Obituaries Leave Out? His Appreciation for LSD | | AlterNet
Apple’s legendary co-founder Steve Jobs said acid was one of the most important things he did in his life.
Die wunderbare Welt der Wirtschaft!: Mehr als 60% Haircut für Griechenland?
Im Interview beim ORF hat Juncker auf die Frage, ob der Haircut 50 oder 60% betragen solle, nicht wie üblich jede Spekulation ausgeschlossen, sondern mit einem klaren “wir reden über mehr” geantwortet.
In Praise of Bad Steve – D.B. Grady – Technology – The Atlantic
He could be Good Steve or he could be Bad Steve. When he was Bad Steve, he didn’t seem to care about the severe damage he caused to egos or emotions so long as he pushed for greatness.
Bankaktien aufgekauft: China will die Börse hochkaufen – Börse + Märkte – Finanzen – Handelsblatt
Is Europe Sliding Into a Double-Dip Recession? – Room for Debate –
Pregnant Amber Miller runs Chicago Marathon hours before giving birth | Mail Online
At 39 weeks pregnant most women would only be thinking of racing to hospital. But not Amber Miller, who — while expecting her second child any day — set off to run the Chicago Marathon. As she neared the final stages of the race, contractions kicked in.
BBC News – UK doctors advised gonorrhoea has turned drug resistant
UK doctors are being told the antibiotic normally used to treat gonorrhoea is no longer effective because the sexually transmitted disease is now largely resistant to it.
El Popular emitirá 700 millones en bonos convertibles para la compra del Pastor · ELPAÍ
El banco prevé hacer provisiones de 1.100 millones después de impuestos para sanear su balance. -La entidad calcula sinergias valoradas en 800 millones y gastos de reestructuración de 322 millones
Fitch baja la calificación de Asturias, Cantabria y Madrid · ELPAÍ
La agencia recorta también la nota de los ayuntamientos de Barcelona, A Coruña y Vigo y de la Diputación de Barcelona. -San Sebastián se sitúa como el ayuntamiento con mejor calificación, según Fitch, y Álava mantiene la AAA
AppleInsider | Apple sets new record with 1M iPhone 4S preorders on first day
Apple on Monday announced that its new iPhone 4S sold one million preorders in its first 24 hours of availability, setting a new record for the company.
Chart of the day, median income edition | Felix Salmon
From January 2000 through the end of the recession, household incomes fluctuated, but basically stayed in a band within 2 percentage points either side of the 98 level. Once it had fallen to 96 when the recession ended, it would have been reasonable to assume some mean reversion at that point — that with the recovery it would fight its way back up towards 98 or even 100. Instead, it fell off a cliff, and is now below 90.
Osteuropa belastet österreichische Banken in Milliardenhöhe – Banken – › Wirtschaft
In Ungarn muss die Tochterbank abgeschrieben werden, dazu kommen Vorsorgen wegen der Zwangskonvertierung von Fremdwährungskrediten in Forint und der generell schlechten Qualität der Schuldner. Macht unter dem Strich 762 Millionen Euro an Belastungen im Nachbarland. Dazu kommt noch eine Aufstockung des Eigenkapitals der Erste Bank Hungary um bis zu 600 Millionen.
About That 99 Percent … –
American households right at the 99th percentile (that is, the cut-off for the top 1 percent) will earn about $506,553 in cash income this year
Spain unlikely to meet deficit target | Business | The Guardian
Alarm is sounded over the country’s borrowing, with the chance of the public deficit being cut from 9% to 6% said to be slim
“Eric S Raymond Defends Richard M Stallman Over Steve Jobs”
“But the Mac also set a negative pattern that Jobs was to repeat with greater amplification later in his life. In two respects; first, it was a slick repackaging of design ideas from an engineering tradition that long predated Jobs (in this case, going back to the pioneering Xerox PARC WIMP interfaces of the early 1970s). Which would be fine, except that Jobs created a myth that arrogated that innovation to himself and threw the actual pioneers down the memory hole.”