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ratings agencies

Should GE be a AAA company?

The latest news in bailouts involves GE Capital. Apparently, the company has gone begging to the FDIC for a bailout. In fact, the FDIC has offered to back $139 billion in GE Capital debt. I have serious reservations about this move by…

Lawsuits: Rating agencies are next

Remember how the impartial accountancies lost their way during the tech bubble? The most egregious case was Arthur Andersen's wrongdoings at Enron, which eventually bankrupted both Enron and Arthur Anderson. Well in this particular crisis…

Ambac is going to zero fast

from Bloomberg News: Ambac Financial Group Inc., the world's second-biggest bond insurer, stopped trading on the New York Stock Exchange in a ``subpenny halt'' after its share price fell as low as $1.04. Ambac declined 3 cents, or 2.5…

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