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Portugal Downgraded, More Cuts Likely

Moody’s cut Portugal by two notches to A3 and kept a negative outlook despite the recently announced fiscal tightening and despite the tentative plan to expand the EFSF. This downgrade really shouldn’t come as any surprise. As we wrote just…

Spanish Bonds Decouple From Portugal

There have been two main surprises this year. The first is how the jasmine revolutions in MENA. It is one thing to recognize the fragility of those ancient regimes, it is another thing to watch a number of government's collapse. The second…

Some Thoughts On Portugal

By Win Thin Portugal remains in the market spotlight as its 10-year yield remains above 7% for the 10th straight day. Furthermore, today Portugal’s 5-year yield broke above 7% for the first time and continues the pattern that we saw with…

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