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“If spending an amount equal to half of the world’s second largest GDP to buy up foreign currencies is not currency manipulation, then what is?” -Martin Wolf, Financial Times The perils of Chicago Many moons ago, long before I…

Stephen Roach on CNBC

CNBC has a lot of good guests on this week. Here's another clip from earlier today. This time it's Stephen Roach talking about asymmetric monetary policy and financial bubbles. Roach believes the Fed needs to entirely rethink its policy…

Can the Fed Go Bankrupt?

Former Atlanta Fed President William Ford says, technically, yes, the Fed can go bankrupt. He argues that the Fed's balance sheet is highly leveraged as a result of quantitative easing expanding its balance sheet. The result is that the…

Reserve Currency Roulette

by Annaly Capital Management Following up on our post from Friday, in which we illustrated the currency reserve and GDP market share of a number of different countries, a kind reader asked a question: “I wonder what percentage of the…

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