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Regional banks: Zions falls

From Bloomberg News: Regional Banks Tumble Zions, the lender with operations in 10 Western U.S. states, tumbled 10 percent to $33.44 for the steepest decline in the S&P 500. ``Weakness'' in residential construction and land values in…

Chart of the day: Buy and Hold?

Remember when you used to hear pundits say "'Buy and Hold,' that's the ticket to shareholder wealth?" Is that really true? I have put this thesis to the test over a number of years and it just doesn't hold water. Bear markets are always…

The US Economy 2008

This blog entry is an updated version of something I wrote way back in 2004. I wrote 90% of this 4 years ago when housing prices were much lower. The fact that I can re-publish this today, largely unchanged, demonstrates how the housing…

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