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Hyman Minsky

On Crises of Capitalism

Great video detailing explanations for why the financial crisis happened. Big hat tip to the Pragmatic Capitalist. I like this first aspect of the video and I LOVE the drawings. Very cool. Of course, you know that you're going to get…

The next crisis is already under way

Wolfgang Munchau of the Financial Times wrote a very important comment piece in today’s Financial Times. In it he said that central banks are targeting asset prices to avoid the brunt of cyclical downturns. This policy is inducing asset…

It’s the debt, stupid

Let’s say I run a company. For the sake of argument, we’ll call it a shoe store in New York City. I am making $100,000 net per year now. But, I look around me and see huge opportunity for growth. So I go to my bank and ask for a loan to…

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