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A brief word about speculation in oil

The front page of today's business section of the New York Times features an article by Joe Nocera that correctly questions Washington's preoccupation with speculators as the source of our oil crisis. It seems the witch hunt in Washington…

A levee breaks in Missouri

WINFIELD, Mo. -- A makeshift sandbag levee holding back the Mississippi River failed early Saturday and authorities said part of the town was evacuated.From the Wall Street Journal.Winfield, 45 miles northwest of St. Louis, is in Lincoln…

Peak oil: it’s all about the Saudis

Whether you believe that peak oil is here or you believe that it's fantasy, ultimately your opinion rests on whether the Saudis can pump more oil. For years, Saudi Arabia has been the swing oil producer, able to turn on its oil spigots…

Rough day in the markets

Wow! That was an exciting, but stomach churning day in the markets. The Dow was way down, 358 points. Oil soared to a new high over $140 a barrel. The Euro hit a record against the yen. The TED spread is rising. Did I miss anything?…

Blame Bernanke, the dollar and oil

Oil prices aren't high because of greedy oil companies or backstabbing middle eastern countries. Oil prices are high because of easy money. That is the message of David Uren in today's Australian. I subscribe to his view but add in peak…

Gas is cheap!

A friend from the UK visited me at the weekend last week. As we drove by the local Exxon, and he spotted the $4.30 marker for regular unleaded, he commented "Petrol is cheap here." Really?Well, in the UK, he said he was paying £1.40 a…

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