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Spain in the Cross Hairs

There have been several press reports in recent days, all vehemently denied, that a multilateral effort is underway to put together a special aid package for Spain.  Often times, one hears "where there is smoke, there is…

How Does Irish Banking Play Out?

This is a guest post by Karl Deeter of the Irish Mortgage Brokers Blog. We are reminded by Shane Ross' article in the Sunday Irish Independent "Cowen spins for his political life" that these banking issues are political for…

The European Disease

The Absolute Return Letter, June 2010 “You cannot turn a pig’s ear into a silk purse, and there is no point in pretending that an economy like that of Greece could somehow become a mini-Germany ”with appropriate resolve and discipline”.…

Deficit Hawk Hypocrisy

Marshall Auerback presents us with a perspective on how deficit hawks want to cut social programs but leave defense spending untouched while completely overlooking the fiscal cost of bailouts (originally published at New Deal 2.0). Harold…

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