UBS is too big for Switzerland

I am sure you have seen the catastrophic financial results of Swiss bank UBS released this week. I have been saying for quite some time that UBS is too big to fail, but also too big to bail for tiny Switzerland. In my view, the recent…

Links: 2009-04-14

The first link should be a reminder of how powerful the downtrend has been. Also, regarding the inventory purge now ongoing, inventories do not even actually have to be rebuilt to get a statistical up-move going forward, they have to be…

In transit

I am in London right now and through next Monday, I will also be on European time, so expect posts earlier than usual. Also, I will be in transit for the rest of the day today. So posting will be light or non-existent. I'l be back soon.…

Green Shoots over Thin Ice

John Hussman has a nice piece out named "Green Shoots over Thin Ice. (hat tip Scott)" Below is the core of his argument regarding the recent rally in stocks and the free gift to bondholders. I have bolded parts of the original to add…

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