A Case Of Gangster Government?

This is a video “discussing whether the Obama administration has intervened too much in business affairs, with Thomas Lauria, White & Case attorney and CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.”  As GM has similar circumstances, the case is…

Links: 2009-05-09

Schöner sterben mit dem "SZ-Magazin" " Stefan Niggemeier interessantes Gespräch über den Mangel an deutschen Bloggern, vor allem im akademischen Bereich Wells Fargo Gets $8.6 Billion in Stock Sale, More Than Planned - Bloomberg…

Westsound Bank seized by FDIC

The loss rate here is about 30%, $100 million on $334 million in assets. Here is the FDIC press release: Westsound Bank, Bremerton, Washington, was closed today by the Washington Department of Financial Institutions, which appointed the…

The new Star Trek film is here

For you Star Trek fans, here is a little weekend preview of what to see.  It’s Star Trek vs. Wolverine at the box office this weekend.  It might be a nice break from stress tests and employment reports.  Enjoy.

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