Video: Cutting back in Ireland

The following video is from the Wall Street Journal and serves as a continuation on the theme of investigating the economies of Europe's periphery. These videos are good because it puts a human face on a subject for people unfamiliar with…

Are the BRICs decoupling?

We have heard this de-coupling theme for quite a few years now. The theory is that high-growth emerging markets are becoming less reliant on the U.S. and therefore are immune to exogenous shocks from the U.S. The video from Russia Today TV…

More on Foreclosures and Other Links

Topic of the Day: Foreclosures Michael Hudson: Boiler Rooms and Foreclosure Mills: A Brief History of America's Mortgage Industry A “Gate” Worthy of the Name—”ForeclosureGate” : CJR Also see: Xenophobia in Europe Extreme…

Soros on the Economy

As I have been saying for over a year now, arguments that fiscal stimulus is needed are not going to work. George Soros makes these arguments in the video below. Not only are these arguments not going to succeed, they are counterproductive.…

Links: 2010-10-12

Credit Writedowns Dollar Enjoys a Broad Correction | Credit Writedowns Hitler finds out Obama won't sign HR3808 | Credit Writedowns The Folly of Competitive Currency Devaluations | Credit Writedowns Bond Bubble? | Credit…

Links: 2010-10-11

Credit Writedowns My thoughts on the 'currency war' | Credit Writedowns Holiday Edition Capital Markets Subdued | Credit Writedowns A letter to Senator Scott Brown - The Fed's Political Interference Must Be Stopped | Credit…

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