links for 2011-09-01

Jack the Ripper: First picture of George Feigenbaum | Mail Online (tags: history rape crime britain) 25 Big Corp CEOs Made More Than Their Companies Paid in…

Chart of the Day: Consumer Confidence

I don’t ascribe that much importance to confidence data as a leading indicator. Moreover, as we saw during the 2000s, low consumer savings can bolster GDP growth for quite a long time. Nevertheless, I agree with the underlying message here,…

links for 2011-08-30

Fed's Evans favors strong policy accommodation | Reuters (Reuters) - Chicago Federal Reserve Bank President Charles Evans said on Tuesday he favored strong central bank accommodation for a substantial…

links for 2011-08-29

Joseph Stiglitz: US-Ökonom fordert von EZB billigeres Geld - Konjunktur - Politik - Handelsblatt Der Mittelstand in den USA kommt kaum an Kredite (tags: small-business credit)…

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