Enjoying Melt-up Day… ?

There ain't nothing as good as a good short covering/melt-up rally day. The market has been in a flux the past weeks, but today's move proves, I think, that the upside surprise is much stronger than the downside and that the equity still…

Germany is Old Too

Which economy might then be the second most rapidly ageing economy in the world? Right, you guessed it: Germany! The question which seems to whisper in the wind is just how Germany is going to be able to shoulder all those bailouts when the…

Who Is Next In The Eurozone?

by Claus Vistesen The Eurozone seems to be the place where the party never ends these days, as one skeleton after the other comes rattling out of the closet. Indeed, one has the impression that history is in the making right now; and the…

Cash is King

by Claus Vistesen: Hull It is not that I don't enjoy a good old bull/Teflon run as much as the next guy but just to provide some form of balance to the current QEeasy Money Hymn I almost choked on my oatmeal earlier this week when I loaded…

Gold and the Punchbowl

I have just been listening to Ben Davies' podcast (see also FT Alphaville here) from Hinde Capital about the funding issues of the Japanese government and the points he makes are important. I have used the metaphor of Japan as a bumblebee…

Random Shots

by Claus Vistesen With course work coming up and with my internet connection just coming on-stream this weekend I hope that I can be forgiven for not posting in the past week. And now that I am I can only find the energy to move in with…

Old News

Unlike Mr. Market who seem to be in full risk-on mode at the moment I am a bit handicapped on account of an awfully slow internet connection which is why posting is unusually slim at the moment. Another part of the market which seems to be…

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