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Comstock Partners 63 posts 0 comments
Comstock Partners, Inc. analyzes economic and financial conditions from a long-term macro-economic perspective and makes adjustments based on cyclical and shorter-term considerations. In pursuit of its goals, the firm invests in various asset classes including domestic and foreign stocks, bonds, currencies and derivatives including indices and options. For the Capital Value Fund, Comstock Partners can buy or sell short and make use of leverage in order to maximize returns under various market conditions. In effect, we believe our operation resembles a modern-day hedge fund in its scope of activities.
by Comstock Partners For some time it has been our view that the recent recession, unlike all other post-war recessions, was caused by a credit crisis, and that it would therefore be followed by a series of weak recoveries and frequent…
Fed Facing Liquidity Trap
By Comstock Partners. Five years ago on the eve of another of the Fed's annual financial symposiums at Jackson Hole, we wrote the following: "Since 1999 when the financial bubble was in full bloom (due in large part to the Fed) we…
Economic Weakness Accelerating
By Comstock Partners It becomes clearer every day that the economy is headed for a renewed recession or a recovery so slow it will seem like one. Initial unemployment claims climbed to 500,000 last week for the first time since November…
The Pause That Doesn’t Refresh
By Comstock Partners The Fed tried to thread a needle and ended up satisfying nobody. They confirmed to all the doubters that the economy was indeed weak and that they really couldn't do much about it without resorting to completely…
Faltering Recovery
By Comstock Partners We have maintained all along that the statistical economic recovery would lose momentum after the effects of the stimulus and inventory replenishment wore off, and the recent data are confirming our view. Moreover…
A New Spotlight on Japanese-Style Deflation
From Comstock Partners
In a scholarly paper that was released today James Bullard, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, stated, "The U.S. is closer to a Japanese-style outcome than at any time in recent…
Wow! We see the word "Deflation" everywhere; we see it in every financial publication and hear it every time we turn on financial TV. We see that the pundits who were bearish because of runaway inflation have just recently…
The latest weekly commentary by Comstock Partners. We stated in the 4th of July holiday comment that we would discuss valuations in the "special report" we wrote last week. As it turned out the "special report" got…
Comstock: Liquidity Trap Means QE Will Fail As Private Sector Deleverages
Excerpts from Comstock's latest weekly: Debt is discussed by the pundits on financial TV also, but in almost every case the discussion revolves around government deficits relative to GDP or government debt relative to GDP. They…
Comstock: It’s More Than Just A “Scare”
Below is the weekly commentary from Comstock Partners. The softening in the economy that we have been looking for is now becoming a reality as a wide sampling of the latest monthly or weekly economic releases clearly indicates that a…