Daily commentary: The fiscal cliff

I owe you all a post on the European elections. And my weekly will probably cover that topic since it is the most important one this week. For now, I just wanted to highlight the coming fiscal cliff from 31 December to 2 January when all of the US temporary tax and stimulus measures expire. The set up for having these things expire risks a new recession and such a downturn would be ugly, especially given the elevated level of US S&P earnings expectations and the relative P/E ratio of the US market. In Europe, people are worried about the political situation and stocks have not risen as they have in the US. So the potential for a real bear market is there.

Read Stan Collender’s piece for more on the fiscal cliff. The way he portrays it, we are looking at a second recession in 2013 as am I. And the reasons I expect one are exactly the reasons the fiscal cliff is looming. See here from 2009.

That’s it. Here are the links.

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