Quick note on updates at Credit Writedowns

I have instituted a few changes at Credit Writedowns to which I wanted to alert readers. The changes were mostly for members but they affect all readers.  I had heard from a few member readers that it wasn’t clear where member content resides as most of it is integrated into the normal post stream. So I have made a number of changes in order to make the member content much more recognizable as members-only content.

  1. I have attached the title [Premium] to each premium level article to identify it. That means you know immediately when you see the title of the article that it is a premium article for members. I have yet to figure out how to differentiate between silver and gold member articles. I have started to experiment with the tag "members" on articles that Silver members can read. Use this URL for those articles (https://www.creditwritedowns.com/tag/members/). Articles available to only gold members use the category weekly (https://www.creditwritedowns.com/category/weekly/).
  2. More significantly, I have made excerpts of premium content visible to everyone on the site, in RSS feeds and in daily and weekly email newsletters. I think it’s easier if you can see what’s available whether you are logged in or not.
  3. But, that change has meant that I have needed to go to summary feeds. Based on member feedback, it was clear I needed to make member content available in RSS feeds and by e-mail but right now I can only do that by making the content viewable to everyone and that means moving to summary feeds only.
  4. The good thing about this is that it enables comments on the member articles that were disabled previously.
  5. Finally, I have decided to switch my long-form forum comments out of the forums into formal blog posts. That means most of what was available to silver members will now be viewable in the list of blog posts, RSS feeds and email newsletters instead of only in the forums.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions by sending an e-mail to me at edh@creditwritedowns.com or to support via our contact form.
