Where are the safe havens?

My latest post at Credit Writedowns Pro on protecting wealth in a world of recurring crisis is now up. I outlined eight principal investing risks that I see for for 2012 and strategies to avoid those risks. At the same time, the thought you should have in the back of your head is that these are just the known unknowns. But that there are unknown unknowns which create so-called Knightean Uncertainty and make this a dangerous investing climate.

In the US, people are turning to dodgy asset-backed schemes to get a little yield pickup as the Fed has trashed cash with zero rates. These are the risks investors are willing to make. In the future, I anticipate that it won’t just be zero rates; government will find more coercive measures to prevent the system from collapsing. The question then is not just how an American investor could avoid downside risk in the US but where can one go outside of the US to get a decent, safe return.

Where are the safe havens?

I have some specific ideas on this and will be using the weekly newsletter to highlight them. but I thought this Capital Account interview with Gonzalo Lira was a good one on this issue and recommend you watch it.

P.S. – My view: Switzerland is definitely not a safe haven for American investors anymore.

Also see: Marc Faber: I advise every American to hold his gold outside of the United States

civil libertiesgovernmentinternationalinvestingriskSwitzerlandUnited States