Foreign News: Commerzbank capital, Portuguese bailout, Franco-Belgian problems

Here is the second version of this foreign news links post that I am starting. The feedback yesterday was good. You all said it makes sense to see what the press in country are saying in Europe since that is the locus of the sovereign debt crisis, so I will continue this.

I am going to be out of pocket for most of the day, so there may only be a few more posts before I hit the sofa!

By the way, the busted German auction is just one data point. Yes, the currency sovereignty issues will eventually catch up to everyone in Euroland, even Germany and the Finns. But let’s not rush into thinking it’s going to happen overnight. There is still time.

That’s it. Hope you enjoyed it.

bailoutbanksBelgiumcapitalChinaEuropeFranceGermanymanufacturingPoliticssovereign debt crisisSpain