Ben Bernanke is scheduled to give a speech Friday at the annual Federal Reserve conference in Jackson Hole, but I don’t believe he will announce any major new initiatives such as QE3.
German President Christian Wulff has accused the European Central Bank of violating its treaty mandate with the mass purchase of southern European bonds.
I’ll be shocked if Mr. Bernanke proposes anything significant — that is, anything likely to make any serious dent in unemployment or offer any serious boost to growth. Why don’t I expect much from Mr. Bernanke? In two words: Rick Perry.
The Voting Rights Act, passed in 1965, outlawed discriminatory voting practices blamed for the widespread disenfranchisement of blacks, particularly in southern states. Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne, a Republican, said that the portion of the law requiring the state to get prior approval from the Justice Department for any changes to the state's election laws exceeds Congressional authority and is unconstitutional.
Bill Gross, long a rock star in the fixed income universe, has been a laggard this year as his bearish view on Treasurys has been confounded by their bull run during the past few months.
Tuesday's quake caused a 4-foot crack in the pyramidion at the top of the 555-foot obelisk and several pieces of mortar fell inside the monument's observation area during the earthquake, a National Park Service spokesman said.
SAN FRANCISCO—Following the resignation of Apple founder Steve Jobs, incoming CEO Tim Cook called a meeting of shareholders and members of the press Thursday morning to announce that he envisioned printers as the company’s future. “Laser, ink-jet, double-sided, color, black-and-white—the future of technology is in printers. I am absolutely convinced of that,”
In rasantem Tempo verstärkt China sein Militär – und verunsichert damit Washington: In einem neuen Bericht warnt das Pentagon vor Pekings Aufstieg zur regionalen Streitmacht. Verlieren die USA schon in wenigen Jahren die Vorherrschaft im Pazifik?