On GMAC’s Halting Foreclosures and Other Links

Quick note: We have temporarily switched to summary RSS feeds instead of full feeds. One problem the CW site was having before we switched platforms had to do with the feeds crushing the CPU whenever we posted or edited a post.  It is still not clear why. As a result, we are experimenting with summary feeds. So, if you are reading via RSS reader, my apologies. Hopefully, this is a temporary situation.



The presence of an article in the links section at Credit Writedowns is not an endorsement of the views presented. However, it is a suggestion that the article is topical and worthy of your attention. If you would like to receive our links in real-time, please follow me (Edward Harrison) at @edwardnh. We also have a Facebook fan page now where we also post some links.

Topic of the Day: Foreclosures

The Usual Fare

Just for Fun

financial newsforeclosureHousingmortgages