You can get data on just about anything these days. Amazing maps. Almost scary.
Here’s a thought: if Citi were in government hands and taking down writedowns like Fannie, what do you think the scale of losses would be?
Ideas on reflation of the bubble economy.
A defense of Matt Taibbi. The mainstream media is losing credibility in this crisis.
This doesn’t bode well for the cash for clunkers scheme.
Yes. Shareholders should not take this fine. The executives who misled shareholders should.
Here’s Obama’s secret deal with the drug lobby. Change you can believe in?
Great post detailing how CNBC benefits/loses due to changes in the market and not due to specific controversies like the Jon Stewart-Jim Cramer duel.
In SW Chicago, one neighborhood is getting much more than another.
No comment.
I have said before, the purpose of health care reform is NOT cost containment. The primary purpose is to make sure everyone has insurance – preventive basic insurance and insurance against catastrophic loss.
Is this what awaits the world economy?
Blankfein admits privately Goldman was threatened.
AIG benefits the street yet again.
But does QE have any impact? Or are they targeting Sterling?
Another proxy for retail sales shows decline.
Today’s regulatory dialogue in the United States and Europe has implicitly assumed that large financial institutions are “too big to fail.” This assumption may encourage banks to take excessive risks, resulting in potentially more bank bailouts. It has also skewed the regulatory debate toward a focus on requiring banks to hold higher levels of “going concern capital,” such as common equity.
Distraction of the Day: John Hughes dead at 59. It seems all of my favorite pop icons are dying.