Jon Stewart: French Finance Minister Lagarde interview

Why is it that Jon Stewart, a comedian, has become the most able and trusted voice of investigative journalism into finance on television?  He spoke with the French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde, something I find remarkable given America’s disinterest in anything foreign and the enmity for the French amongst the xenophobic camp.

Christine Lagarde is a well regarded figure in finance who is largely unknown in the U.S. She is also one of the leading figures pushing for international regulatory reform, which I have said is necessary if we are to make any strides in safeguarding our financial system. I did a search for her in all of my RSS feeds and the last US. reference I came up with was this video from the Charlie Rose show back in April.  But, here she is on The Daily Show.  Go figure.


Charlie RoseEuropeFrancefunnyJon Stewartjournalismmediavideo