The 50 Best Business Blogs of 2008

It was a surprise and honor to visit the indispensable finance resource Business Pundit and find our site mentioned amongst the list of best business blogs for the year.

In putting together her list, Drea Knufken said:

Some blogs truly define today’s business voice. These blogs represent a healthy mixture of independent and mainstream voices, prominent academics and small business owners with equally strong opinions.

We compiled a completely biased sampling of our 50 favorite blogs, sorted by category. The categories are neither based on anything official nor are representations within them equal. For example, we have included a ridiculous number of finance and investing blogs, an industry where coverage truly stood out this year. It is possible that we have forgotten other categories.

However smattered the designations on this list, rest assured that every single one of these blogs is worth reading. If you find something missing, or want to show off your own blog, we encourage you to comment.

Thank you Drea for mentioning us. And thank you readers for getting the word out about our site. We hope to continue to meet or exceed your expectations for relevant and thorough business and financial analysis.

All the best.


p.s. – Do visit the list (linked below) as it is a great resource for finding go-to sites on many different business subjects. Sites like Calculated Risk, Financial Armageddon, The Economist’s Gulliver, or Beat The Press are all there.

The 50 Best Business Blogs of 2008 – Business Pundit

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