Post Christmas admin message

Hello again.  I hope you all had a good few days away. I will keep posting fairly light today as we have one day left until the weekend. This is a brief housekeeping post.  I wanted to alert you to a number of changes we have made to the website.

First and foremost, we have updated the site’s look.  Now, that we have been using WordPress for over one month, it was time to start making some changes.  Please feel free to sound off about anything that you like or anything you do not like.

In addition, you should note that we have added a weekly newsletter in order to serve a number of readers who really wanted that option.  This newsletter will only include a “Best of” from the wek so as not to deluge you with more than you can read. Click here to sign up for the new weekly.

We have also switched our comments to a provider called Intense Debate.  It seemed to offer the best comments moderation of all of the third-party comment hosting companies we polled.  Let us know if you have any problems with commenting.

And we have one final housekeeping note.  The full archives are now available via the navigation bar just below the header.  Basically, the sidebar archives menu was pretty useless.  We have replaced it with a collapsible menu of all the posts in the archives in a new Archives page.  This allows you to browse the archive titles and click through directly to the articles or to do a simple search.  I think you will find this format much more accesible.  Have a look here.

That’s it.  At some point, we will add a Technology tab to recount the do’s and don’ts of switching hosts or URLs. Any of you with your own blogs might benefit from our travails. I know that Calculated Risk just switched URLs and it looks like it went off without a hitch.

Feel free to drop us a line on other improvements you feel would enhance your reading experience.  All the best.

Happy Holidays.

