Guest Blogger: Marshall Auerback

I am happy to announce that I am going to feature a guest blogger every week at the weekend. My guest host will be none other than Marshall Auerback of Prudent Bear fame.

Many of you may recall, Marshall wrote the international column at the Prudent Bear for a considerable time, giving his insight on geopolitical and macroeconomic situations that any investor should think about. His posts can be thought-provoking and controversial.

Marshall hails from the great white north of Canada and has a previous background as an emerging markets fund manager, having worked several years in Hong Kong, Tokyo, New York and London. More recently, he worked in the U.S. as a fund manager at Prudent Bear. He is an independent economics consultant for a variety of large funds, notably RAB Capital, Pinetree Capital and PIMCO, and also a fellow at the Japan Policy Research Institute in California. So, Marshall knows the international scene through and through.

Please look for his posts starting later today. I am sure you will enjoy them.
