US Airways says speculators caused oil price rise

I received a note from U.S. Airways in my inbox today asking me to contact my Congressman to stop those evil speculators from causing oil prices to rise. Last time I checked, U.S. Airways is an airline, not a consumer advocacy group.

Dear U.S. Airways customer,

Several weeks ago, we wrote to you about skyrocketing oil prices and the impact that those prices are having on your quality of life. We urged you to get involved, learn more about the problem and to contact your members of Congress.

You heard us and you acted. Millions of messages flooded Congress, resulting in dozens of bills being introduced to address the need for increased energy supplies, conservation and the problems caused by poorly regulated market speculation.

Unfortunately, action on these critical measures is stalled in Congress and we need to jump-start the process before Members leave in August for their summer recess.

Please contact Congress and tell them not to leave Washington without addressing and resolving the energy crisis. Let us work together to help this country begin the process of restoring the health of our economy.

Thank you for your support and business during this unprecedented time for our industry.

Take action now

Obviously, the oil issue is more political football than serious economic issue. If U.S. Airways thinks this is a good PR stunt, they’re smoking something they shouldn’t be.
